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olympic weightlifting

Olympic weightlifting is a sport in which athletes perform two types of lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk.

The goal in each lift is to lift the heaviest possible weight overhead using a barbell. The sport requires a combination of strength, speed, coordination, and technique.

1. Snatch: The athlete lifts the barbell from the ground to overhead in a single, continuous movement, aiming for speed and precision.

2. Clean and Jerk: This lift is done in two stages. In the clean phase, the athlete lifts the barbell from the ground to their shoulders. In the jerk phase, they then push the barbell overhead by using their legs to drive the weight up.

In Olympic competitions, athletes have three attempts at each lift, and their best successful lifts in each category are combined to determine their total score. Olympic weightlifting is known for its explosive power and technical complexity, requiring both strength and agility to perform effectively. It is included in the Summer Olympics and has a long tradition dating back to the early 20th century.

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